Music Laziness: Mago de Oz - Folk metal made awesome

I listen to rock, a lot of rock; Lots of metal.  Normally that kind of music is exiled from christianity for it's dark roots - which sometimes hits me in the face since I Am a christian.  But really... music can't be "dark" when music itself is only pleasant to the person that likes it.  Songs, the lyrics... that's what makes a song "bad" or "good".   I'll show you guys a dark band by definition, but some of their lyrics show a different face.  It's not a band to listen if you're looking for enlightenment, it's a band that's well defined in the world of music; it uses instruments that normally you wouldn't see on stage, and they deliver a great performance everytime they sing.  Should I follow their beliefs? Nope.  Should I take seriously their anti religious messages? Nope.  Should I listen to them then? Only if you can devide and define what you like - Music is universal, it shouldn't be affected by anything; be it religion, race or language.

So, here it is guys; Mago de Oz, a Folk-Metal / Heavy-metal spanish band.  Their ideals are dark, their songs are almost bright, but their music is amazing.
This is the song "Let the wind blow in your favor"

Here are the translated lyrics.

Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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