EntertainMint: Dancing Dog - Bailando Merengue!

I have a few posts saved up, but I don't really feel like posting them today - i'll save those up in case I miss a day without blogspot :)
Right now I want to show you guys a video that exploded a while back; it's a dog... dancing merengue.  Check it out, show it to your boss, boss gets happy, becomes interested in the song, boss stays in happy mood.
mutual topic + good mood =  profit. Am I right?

Check the video out:

RaywilliamJohnson from =3 on youtube already explained what this video's about, it's just a dog trying to get inside the house but since there's a glass door there the dog appears to be dancing.  Aside from the cute dog - what got me into the video was the song.  Catchy Merengue, that just says "The latin men has everything that women like" and then some catchy tuning to give it a "latin" mix hit.  The beat is what's called Merengue here, and it's defined by the use of the repeated tones on the piano and brass sounds; the bass just accompanies and basically defines the rest of the chords - on other songs the percussion marks the rhythm instead of the piano.

For those interested in the song, it's called "El hombre Latino".  Over here in Puerto Rico during the winter season mostly every Christmas song is based on that type of music... I normally don't like that type of music much, but the dancing dog has a very convincing dance routine that makes me reconsider it.


Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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