Music Laziness: Alejandro Sanz - Mi Peter Punk

Hi hi future readers, enjoying your Saturday I hope. I've been reading around and chatting, and listening to music while doing it. So I decided to share with you all one of my favorite songs.

Mi Peter Punk by Alejandro Sanz; a spanish pop-jazz song (not surpricing since my first language is Spanish), but the music and lyrics are pretty up beat. Alejandro Sanz sings Pop-Rock and root spanish music (Flamenco and the like...) and he writes, plays and sings most of his songs and unlike a lot of artists he can sing them on stage without "fixing" his voice.

I play guitar, but just like the piano - I learned on my own - listening to multiple bands and singers; Alejandro Sanzs was (and is) one of the people I listened to practice.

Mi Peter Punk means "My Peter Punk"; and although the lyrics are pretty fun and catchy they would appear as random words thrown togeter by anyone that doesn't understand the language.
Here are the translated lyrics, you'll know what I mean.

The music is pretty awesome though, and you don't need to know Spanish to appreciate music right? here's the song.


Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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