COMP1337: Laser Harp

Laser Harp
Well future readers, I have a very strange post; I didn't know where to put it - whether on music laziness or comp1337.  In the end I posted it like a tech post, but in essence it's still a music related article.
I want to talk about the "Laser Harp", an instrument that probably works like any other midi controller; it has input and output and produces sound according to "What" enters a feed and what "Stops" entering a feed.

Build your own!
The image on the title is a laser harp, but the following image is also a laser harp.  Now, I've never played one of these, and I can only talk on what I've seen and heard on videos.  But these appear to have just one note on every "laser" feed, and once the laser is stopped it sends a signal to a synth (I guess?) and then the sound is produced.

I imagine you'll have to calibrate the sensors or whatever is providing the "blocked - not blocked" argument to the computer before playing it, but I'm pretty sure these would play just like any midi piano with 25++ keys.

A pretty odd instrument, with strange sounds; it's not something I want to buy... BUT it's odd enough to spark my interest.  If you want more information, feel free to check the link on the picture to learn where you need to go to make one, or click here and keep on reading on wikipedia.

Here's a video of the thing in action.


Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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  1. Wow. i found this instrument at morning today. but i decided to place it in "hightech in music" week.

    did you see this one?

  2. woof, pretty awesome - the sound is pretty strange XD it's not something I would listen to every day but it's still pretty interesting.

    ps. Sorry for posting it first faust XD I was actually wondering as I was writing "why hasn't faust posted about it?"

  3. i think you also should find something good with theremin. i will make this week after 1-2 months (when i will find 3 more newest musical instruments). now i have hang, harp guitar, theremin and laser harp.

    and do you know something about instrument "urushi"? i cannot find anything besides two photos :(

  4. :o never heard of the urushi, so I did a search; is it the musical interface by yuri susuki?

    xD seems interesting if that's what it is; if the instrument's japanese you could do a japanese search with google translate on

  5. yes - it's need urusgi. but nothing in video. if it was created why there is no any video?

  6. How do you split the beam?
