"I Hate religion" why is this phrase so common?

Many religions promote self guidance, other promote control, others promote inner peace, others promote ideals and there's one that promotes love as a whole. Talking about religion can bring chaos all around; people from different religions or people that don't believe in any religion at all defend their views and points attacking each other in a war that won't be won any time soon.  Makes sense since some of the "strong" religions are just trying to control the world like dictators.

We as humans tend to be very defensive, and when our ego and intellect is on the line or our own pride and ideals are on the line we tend to defend those with all our might.  It's normal, humans can be aggressive, passive, we have different ways of thinking, we are all different are we not?

The problem is that most people forget why they are defensive; is it a good idea to defend your own ideals talking loud about how your way of thinking is correct and urging others to challenge your already made up mind with words that you know you won't listen? You'll just make other people feel bad, you'll get enemies and it'll feed up to a division in human relations; ego, pride, the big "I" is what's driving those thoughts.  Isn't it better to just listen, keep quiet and instead of hurting someone else, try to listen and stay put without attacking? Thinking about the other person's feelings, sustaining their thoughts and making them feel like you've heard them; doesn't that show a better way of interacting with people?  You'll be hurt, probably; but if you know you're right and the other person is not listening; why would you fight? He made up his mind and if you're wrong you would accept it; if you try to fight that even though you probably think your ideals are right, it'll prove a better tactic to just listen and care about the person.  If the other person wants to know what you think, you tell them; but you don't defend your point of view thinking that what you say is worth more than what he's saying.

There is hate on religions because some religions are methods to do things from the perspective of people that think they know the best way to live life; some of the leaders in groups of these religions think their way of thinking is the correct one and they defend it and act like dictators. They drive their groups with fear, hate and division. 

 There are, of course groups that still practice what humanity calls good behavior; ethics and love; and those are the people that go for a better lifestyle (the believe in God but not in religion).  Some religions forget about social interactions and just concentrate on one's self; sure some promote love and caring and a better lifestyle, but they also promote the idea that "you can be better than them" or "if you don't agree with us you're wrong"; and that just creates this sense of superiority that just eats away on humility and compassion.

I'm a christian myself, I go to an independent church, no denomination; and although I accepted Jesus in my heart, I believe I'm not in a religion; Christianity as a religion is not the same as being a christian, I go for guidance and ideals that heal the bad in people without accusing anyone, people go in on their own will and even the people that preach say they don't know everything there is and that they are learning just like we are; everyone is equal.  A lifestyle and a school, not a religious group that attacks other people; instead we are thought to love in any way possible and we follow the principles that heal instead of break apart.

Why are people today so harsh on religion? because they think every religion is the same. There Are bad groups that just take that name as a label to take advantage of other people.  That's why most Christians and atheists alike go against religion as a whole.  There are atheists that love just like Jesus loved, they don't have the same beliefs but they share the same human ideals.

A group that seeks an ethical world, where compassion and love is the main goal can't be an enemy.  The problem comes when they think their way of living is the only way of doing things.  

Call it what you want, but people will be harsh if what they call religion goes against what humanity is; Jesus himself was against religious people; he always promoted love and the love of his father (that's actually part of why being a christian is not a religion... but that's another story) never did he force his ideals. 

Why the hate to good religion then? the hate comes from people that want to make other people think like them; if you hate a religion that does good to the society and don't force their ideals instead use reason and love, then you simply hate it because you can't stand them believing in something you can't explain.  Other than that, the hate is to the religions that just cover up and take advantage, or kill, or force ideals; that hate is meaningful and won't go away anytime soon.

Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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