How to lose weight easily and be fit?

Losing weight is probably one of those things that many people want to do, but they don't know what to do, or where and when to start. Normally people just go to the gym and do crazy things to "guess" a great routine to lose weight, others take on crazy diets and try different pre-made "techniques" to see if their weight is reduced.

Many of these things work for some people, but in the end the users don't really know what they did to lose the weight, or they simply didn't lose any weight at all doing what they thought was helping. I always say that getting information on something you need, is as important as the thing you're looking for. I found the way to control body weight without killing yourself, and today we'll be discussing some of that information so that you too can go for a fit body (if it worked for this lazy guy, it'll work for you too).

Last year something happened that motivated me enough to lose some my excess weight; in a couple of months I was fit. I went down from 189 pounds (me being 5'7, that meant size 38 on the waist) to my current weight 140 to 150 (been in that weight level for a few months, since muscle increases and my weight rises). And although I'm in my ideal weight level today; it only took a few months for all that weight to go down, so I've been in my ideal weight (increasing normally with muscle gain) since July 2011. I know you might be asking "What did you do already?"; I get that a lot when I'm telling people what I did.

Well, it's easy, actually. I learned that calorie control is the most important thing when you want to lose weight. If you control your daily calorie consumption, you'll lose weight or gain weight; is that simple.

I was eating from fast foods, I didn't go on a diet, I didn't even exercise the first months and I still was losing weight; just by counting my calories and drinking water.  That's right, you just need to consume the right amount of calories per day; you read the label on your food (or the tray when you go to McDonalds) and see how many calories the foods you're eating have; you eat your correct amount daily, and you'll lower your weight.  I was going crazy the first few days looking for information, routines, exercises; and every single one had the calorie control in them, the exercises where added for strenght and cardio, worth it; but not really obligatory.

I want to show you how I lost my weight, eating my three meals and not having to be anxious for food.  Of course you still need to find your correct calorie level to know what amount of calories you have to consume to lose weight before we get to the core information; for that we'll use this Calorie Calculator.

After you get your calorie level, you want to find out what your ideal weight is so that you know when you need to stop and maintain your weight.  For that we'll use this calculator.

Just enter the information, and see the extreme weight loss number; that's your target calorie consumption amount.  You probably know where this is going, you just need to consume that amount daily to lose weight.  But how you distribute it is important too, you don't want to go hungry all day and eat 1500 calories in one sitting during the night, that will just break you; so just divide that amount for three meals, breakfast being the bigger and night snack being the smallest.

You could just stop here and go for that if you just want to lose weight fast; but if you want to be fit, you might as well read along.

To get a fit body you need control; and you have to choose your foods wisely if you want it to work.  Since you want to be fit, you'll probably want to accompany all of this with some exercise to start shaping up the body while you lose the weight.  Being fit is just a mix of correct eating habits, and exercise that mixes cardio, flexibility and strenght. I found that out reading a lot, and asking fitness professionals (even models..) so it's not really a routine thing, more of a normal life with control.

Back to the information; since we have the number of calories we need to consume to lose weight, we now need to compensate it with the correct amount of proteins and carbohydrates to help your body develop while you exercise; plus you need energy to stay active during the exercises.

Without the correct amount of proteins, you wont retain a high muscular mass value, your body will start to  lose strenght and you won't be able to build muscle or stay in shape.  If you want to lose weight, proteins will keep you up, and if you want to gain weight proteins will prevent you from using calories. 

Bottom line, they are important so you might as well put them on the list of important things I have to eat. A good recommendation that I was given was to consume 1 gram of protein per pound, so if you weight 180 pounds, you should consume 180 grams of proteins per day; pretty simple.  You get them from many foods (chicken breast, red meat, fish, low fat milk, cheese, rabbit) or from supplements like shakes and/or bars (the snicker's marathon bar is my favorite).   Just note that supplements are supplements, they shouldn't be consumed as the only source of proteins, you should eat some of the proper foods to get the daily amount and if you don't get enough Then you go for the supplements.

Note that I didn't consume the amount of proteins I had to consume methodically, it's not really necessary but it sure helps speed up the process, so don't freak if you go some days without hitting the protein mark, you'll compensate that with your exercises.

Now, this is important; EAT when you feel hungry... surprised? Your body acts in different manners, when you're cold you know your body's telling you to move somewhere hot right? The same thing is with hunger, when you're hungry it means your body needs something (so to speak) and energy in that moment, if you hold it in your body will use the resources it already has, BUT the hunger will stay since what you have inside can't supplement the different vitamins that your body's needs.  You'll feel hungry until your body gets what it needs.

That's why eating a balanced meal is so important, it'll control your hunger through the day.  If you won't eat a balanced meal, you should at least drink some daily multi vitamins.  When you get hungry, eat a bit without going in excess (don't break your daily calorie intake limit), drink some water afterward; if you feel hungry after eating, then stop; just don't wait 4 hours to eat if you have munchies right now.

If you wait, your body will use it's reserves; but you'll still be in stand by until you eat, by the time you get some food the body has already had it's fit on the reserves it's been saving and it'll just "save" what it doesn't need anymore when you eat later; so YOU'LL GAIN WEIGHT or simply stay the same.  Get it in your head, when you're hungry... Eat, just watch the calories intake, but eat.

By now you have your new eating order; with that you'll lose weight and get enough proteins to build muscle.  To stay fit you'll need some good exercises, here's when it gets fun.  I'm lazy, so I needed something easy; I looked everywhere, and I always got the "you can't do it without the weights" or "intense exercises, find a gym".  So following rules, I started using my home gym again, started normal cardio workouts and even took out my military routines.  But it was killing me, so while I was doing that I was looking for something easier; many people said there wasn't an easier way but I didn't take that as definite; I didn't give up that easily; on October 2011 I remembered Isometric exercises.

I knew about isometrics from years back, so I did some research again in that month and found out that Isometric training is the back door to being fit.  You don't have to kill yourself, your joints wont' get hurt, you don't need weights, and you get a lot of strenght without doing to many repetitions.  It almost said "Fitness for the lazy".

After reading a bit about isometric training (you can read the basics on wikipedia here) I was looking for equipment and ended up looking at many products.  After a few weeks I bought an ISO7X, it promised lean muscle without much effort; just hold the thing for a few seconds in different positions that target core muscles every day to create tension and build muscle and strenght.  Sounds too good to be true right? Well, that's exactly what I thought, but I knew isometric training is a proper way to build muscle fast so I gave it a try, and to my surprise the iso7x showed results super fast; it burned my muscles from the first week.

Bullworker Steel bow (above), Bow Classic (below)

After using the ISO7X I found out about the bullworker brand, and I bought every equipment they had (about $170.00) since the workout was working great for me; I got a 90 days sit at home routine that got me even more in shape in less time than I thought.  I was in shock since I thought it was just infomercial tricks, but these work just like weight training and I didn't even have to get out of my room or even move out of my sit.

It was the perfect lazy training, and it works.

For you to get in shape you just need to mix the correct exercises; cardio, flexibility, endurance and strenght; you could just do any routine on the internet; you can go with weights, you could go with normal sports, you could do the P90x challenge; any full body exercise routine would help you, just find which one works best for you and stick with it.

Just remember, the trick to being fit is eating right; and keeping your body healthy.  I found the lazy way to do it, and it provides amazing results; I got in shape using the Steel bow and the bullworker classic while sitting in my chair and eating everything without passing my calorie mark and I supplement with daily vitamins only.

The only thing you would need to work for is the equipment, and if you do it like me; the ISO7X is only $20 and it does the same thing that the bullworker classic does.  Just get the sit at home workout chart from bullworker and buy the ISO7X for a great combo.

Being fit is not hard anymore, you don't even have to go to the gym or lift weights; don't let anyone fool you about "gimmick products", try them yourself first.  I thought the ISO7x was a gimmick, and got my surprise; you might get it too if you try it.

I'll show you guys the routines in future posts and post my pictures soon enough; just understand that eating healthy is not that hard, and exercising is easy if you find the correct equipment; I'm a living example that an underrated product can create magnificent results.  I thank God for putting the Isometric training in my way, without those I would've probably told you that weights and gym ware the only way to go.


Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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