Employment. I've been on a job hunt for awhile and I'm pretty sure many of you are as well so you guys know the pain of applying for jobs online. Yeah, you know what I mean... those sites or even "career" pages that appear when you do a job search inside the big companies websites that send you on a clicking adventure through 1000 questions. Questions that usually make you wonder if you're applying for a position as a sale's representative or you're going for Obama's place as president. Be it the case, we all know the pain of filling up those strange "applications" only to not get a response back, or simply get an automated rejection email.
Job applications online has been a successful way of getting easy employees without much effort, a company finds the correct human resources person or gets a team of developers to filter applications and find their "ideal" employee from the positions. The lazy way of picking up people for their business, they let the computers do the thinking. They could care less about more than half of the applicants, they only need to pick up the top rated applications from their automated systems. Unless...
You know how to deal with the applications.
Most of the sites or online job application methods are buggy, or simply get forgotten by the patrons that posted their available job (or they leave it to human resources to scan through the submitted applications and don't even check on the sites personally, so they don't even get to read your so well written CV). So, the fix for the problem is confronting it. You have to let yourself be known to the person that submitted the application.
Usually that means... you guessed it... "Going to the place" or "Calling". In the end you won't get your job if you don't do something about it. A good and promising job application is still not "online"; online job applications are just an easy fax of your information. Sure, there are many good patrons and human resource sites that actually call you back after submitting your information but those are the 10%. Most of the other general job positions will require your action to get a call.
To them, we are just one item in a 100; you have to make a difference if you want it. No lazy way here, unless you're one of the lucky guys/girls that gets a call back you'll need to get your hands dirty.
I learned the hard way, you can apply to every site, submit your resume with a great background and experience history; and if the computer "thinks" you're not good enough, it won't even get the CV over to the other side. I made a call, and everything was clear; it went something like this:
Me: Hi, I'm calling to verify an available position as a sale's associate in your store; I'm calling to check if you received my application?
Her: Oh, we haven't checked those; what's your name?
Me: "Myname" I filled it up a few weeks ago.
Her: I see your application right here, very good background...
<continued until I got an interview>
They didn't even checked the applications in weeks until I called.
Another one went like this:
Me: Hi, my name is "MyName"; and I'm calling to verify if my application for the position in "position" was still being taken into consideration.
Him: Ah that position, yeah; let me check.
Me: ok
Him: "MyName"... yeah, your application was on standby because the site was holding up your resume.
Me: Oh, no problem; is the position still available?
Him: actually the position was taken days before the site posted it as available, but call me back in a few weeks, we'll take you into consideration if another opening appears; don't fill it up on the site, we get crammed up applications and they usually get lost so call me instead.
<continued until ended>
Patrons need resources fast; that last position was posted by him days after the position was already taken in case the other guy didn't work out. It wasn't an available position, he was putting it there as a "backup". Online job applications aren't the best way to find a job, you'll be more successful calling directly or if you submitted your application call and ask if they received it don't stay and wait for a call that has 10% of appearing.
That last conversation practically tells you what these sites do with the users, they get crammed up and serve as backup. It wasn't until I called them that they even checked to see if I was on the list; heck, they even said to call instead of submitting the application.
If you put yourself in their shoes it makes sense, they need people willing to work; and if you don't show interest you'll just be backup until they toss a coin and pick you up from the list randomly. Online job application for big companies is a gamble, it works great for dedicated companies that actually read and are interested in every application; but it doesn't work that well for general jobs.
Bottom line is... if you're looking for a job and are applying online; you'll have better chances sending an email about the position to the patron directly or calling their company first. If you wait, you'll be waiting for a position open to hundreds of people.
The sites work, they just don't work as fast as a call. Use them to "find" the job, apply, then call a day or two later. Don't let your position get grabbed by a random pick; ones abilities and communication skills can't be measured by questionnaires, so instead of waiting , attack first, go for your job (if you're shy, don't freak; just say "Hi, I'm calling to verify if "THATposition" is available." or something along those lines, it's just a question to someone that doesn't know you, easier than asking a girl out) It's ok not being lazy this time. ;)
Feel inspired or lucky?
Here's some sites that worked for me, I didn't get contacted by many of the contacts until I called.
www.snagajob.com - Cool interface, and very active.
Careerbuilder.com - Pretty interesting, post your resume and wait.
Or you could go for the infinite question applications of ToysRUs, Walmart, Kmart, etc, etc...
Just search on google, for any of the big stores and put "careers" on the side; you'll find their pages. Those are the ones that usually have openings, but since they are so well known you'll also have a lot of competition, so make sure to give them a call and avoid the unnecessary anxiety.
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