EntertainMint: The Album Vulnerable by The Used, gave me goosebumps

I've been a fan of The Used for awhile now and I have to say, their new album brought me back.  A few months back they released a not so great album to be honest, and before that one they released a few songs that weren't that great (smother me for example).  But vulnerable feels right, it's like listening to the band that hooked me up the first time I heard them.

The song I come alive has to be one of my favorites songs to this day, and the album's only a month old.  The Used's one of those bands that the singer has some copyrighted "points" that make the band stand out (the singer sometimes laughs maniacally out of no were but it gives the songs quite a punch).   The guitars manage great harmonies even when playing hard, and the album itself has some great Acoustic versions of the songs that sound amazingly good.

I liked the rhythm play, and electronic mix; you get the hard drums with a semi noticeable electronic melody at the background that make the songs stand out.  The Used's been around for quite awhile, you can find more info on them here; if you haven't heard of them before, feel free to check them out.  You won't be disappointed if you like alternative and hard rock.  What I didn't like though, was the music video for the song I come alive.

Check this out:

Heavy on the killing spree are we? The song's great don't get me wrong, and the video's fun since it goes very nicely with the emotion of the song.  But what the hell? is that kid killing other kids? I guess we know why this band should be heard by 18+ huh?

The songs are mean awesome, the video's just another production thing; I don't really know if they noticed this could move away a few of their listeners but I'm sure happy with their latest album.  It sounds right, just like the first time I heard them.

You can get the album here:

Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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