Bernarda Gallardo saw a headline on a local newspaper about a dead baby that was going to be sent to the trash and the news report changed her life.
She was raped herself and loved and cared the baby daughter without much anger.
"After I was raped, I was lucky enough to be able to move on because of the support I got from my friends. But if I had been left on my own, perhaps I would have felt as helpless as they do."
She just felt like she could do something about the babies that aren't wanted even after death. She tried to adopt the body of the baby that was in the headlines. She had a whole lot of issues to make that baby her adopted daughter just to give her a proper burial but she made it through and became the adoptive mother of a baby that couldn't even get to see the sun.
This touches the heart on so many levels.
After the whole ordeal the women speaks out to the teens that think they don't have a choice and tells them to send their kids for adoptions instead of killing them and sending them to the dumps.
Eventually she decided to stick posters on all of Puerto Montt's rubbish dumps telling people. "Don't throw your babies in the rubbish," and reminding them that two babies had been dumped in recent months - Aurora and then Manuel.
Since then it's been 12 years since she adopted her first baby and she has adopted and burried three more during this time and in the process of doing the same for another girl.
The world is turning gray, but people like this lady give it some color. I'm happy this Monday wasn't such a blue day.
Read the full report here.
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