Wendy's employee was refused restroom break, even after urinating herself.

In news that make you facepalm (what a great way to say Hi to a week of stalled news), a Wendy's employee was refused a bathroom break and was forced to work even after she urinated herself.

That's right.  Slavery is not over, today it's just called 'work' in some places.

Maria Rivas asked her supervisor multiple times if she could take a break to use the bathroom but was denied.  The supervisor cited a new policy that prevented employees from using the bathroom during lunch rush hour (that's mid day, 11AM until 2PM).   Rivas, a diabetic and under medication couldn't hold it because the uncontrollable bladder is a side effect of the medicine and urinated herself.

Not only that, but the supervisor forced her to STAY WORKING WHILE SHE WAS SOILED WITH URINE.

What in the holy shoe of the pope is wrong with this world?
Rivas stated:  “He didn’t care and none of the other managers cared to tell me, ‘Mari, go to your house and change.”‘
Needless to say, the lady has an attorney and she's going for Wendy's over this.  At the moment the supervisor hasn't even made a sound.

When asked why she just didn't leave to go to the bathroom she said that she depended on her job.  This scenario happens a lot, and supervisors sometimes take advantage to control people by pulling the psychological weapons.

This year wendys, tomorrow your workspace.  We need a good change... wish-full thinking?

Read more about it here.

Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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  1. What the heck is wrong with some people? The person who refused her bathroom break and the person who put that policy down need to be punished for putting that poor woman through that.
