Teen missing for 4 days was actually hiding at school eating fruits

A teen in California US went missing.  Parents were going crazy.  And the school was completely clueless.

A 17 year old teen that was being tracked down by police and family as a missing person suddenly turned out at the door step of his Cupertino home saying he

hid on his high school campus, drank from the water fountain and ate fruit from trees,

 Of course we could talk about how the police couldn't give any explanation as to how they didn't think of checking with the school to see if he was seen there.  Or about how the school wasn't really aware of who's at the school and who's not (which is pretty frightening).

What surprises me the most is that the kid was eating, drinking and basically sleeping at the school and not even his friends knew he was there.  No reason at all was given, but I'm pretty sure he was just depressed.

“We can tell everyone that (their son) has expressed the deepest sorrow and regret for his actions. He sees how his actions have impacted others around him and understands there is no excuse for the concern and worry he has caused.”

At least he knows they care... but man... school, police, friends, family, not even the janitor?  We are seriously closing into the age of disconnection.  Which is kind of ironic since you're reading about it from our blog.

Lets see what other idiocracy signals appear during the week.  Summer always puts the spotlight on Darwin Awards. 

Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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