US Woman using fake Handicap card lunged against a 72 year old for a handicap parking spot.

Daily we see stupidity reported.  But some of those make me wonder if there's still some humanity in the world.  Ego seems to be taking over and the selfish attitude is spreading way to many roots.

Today a woman in the US assaulted a 72 year old handicap lady because the elder woman took "her handicap spot".  The aggressor was using a fake handicap id, the elder on the other hand had every right to have the parking because she had the id, parked correctly and even signaled that she was parking in the spot.
According to a police report. 32-year-old Kezia Perkins was attempting to park in a handicapped spot at the Greenfield Walmart store. She couldn’t make the turn, and that’s when the 71-year-old woman pulled in.

 After this creature (can't be called human) realized that she didn't have the parking she pressed with her chest the old lady and made her fall causing her to require medical attention.  That's right.  She actually made the elder woman have to go to the hospital for taking a parking the correct way because this crazy woman doesn't understand that she's not the owner of the world.

What in the heavens makes someone be so selfish and uncaring?

Read the full story here.


Abdiel Rodz

Hi. I’m a social researcher, developer and consultant. Bringing you news that would probably make your head hurt and some others that will make you want to hug a puppy.

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